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Let’s travel to England!

England is a great place! Learn more about it in today’s Chinese article.




The summer holiday has arrived, where do you plan on travelling to? I recommend everyone goes to England. This is because in England you can see lots of grand European architecture, you can also see the legendary London Bridge and Buckingham Palace. You might even bump into the queen!

England has lots of famous universities, walking around the campuses you can feel a strong atmosphere of learning. Moreover, England’s weather is neither cold nor hot, very comfortable!

Ipanda Chinese
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1 – 在伦敦你能看到什么?

a. 巴黎铁塔

b. 金字塔

c. 白金汉宫

d. 自由女神像

2 – 英国的天气怎么样?

a. 很热

b. 很舒服

c. 很冷

d. 下雨了

Show Answers

1. c

2. b
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